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Physical Measurements in Living Systems – measuring time-dependent cell mechanics in the presence o

TU Dresden | Sommersemester Physical Measurements in Living Systems – measuring time-dependent cell mechanics in the presence o

Elective MSc Physics of Life


Title:               Physical measurements in living systems – measuring time-dependent cell             mechanics in the presence of active stress


Teacher:          Dr. Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich


Track:              Experimental Biological Physics


Course work: 2 SWS lecture,  2 SWS exercise

Location: Tatzberg 47-49, Biotec, room E05

Time: Friday, lecture: 9:20 am, seminar: 11:10 am


Term:              Summer term




  • The students will learn the basics of linear elasticity theory and viscoelastic models that are relevant for the field of cell mechanics. This will be a foundation for understanding analysis approaches of cell-mechanical models.
  • We will review molecular structures in the cell that dominate cell mechanics.
  • The students will hear about different methods for cell-mechanical measurements (indentation with AFM, parallel plate assay, bead-tracking micro-rheology, magnetic oil droplets, magnetic tweezers) and discuss the analysis pathways and published results.
  • In addition, I will point out limitations of different experimental setups and alternative interpretation approaches as well as controversies in the field.




Requirements: knowledge of PDEs and higher calculus


Number of participants: up to 30 people

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