SUUUpoRT - Fundamentals of Hydrogeology

TU Bergakademie Freiberg | semesterübergreifend TUBAFdigital - Fundamentals of Hydrogeology

SUUUpoRT - Fundamentals of Hydrogeology

The "Fundamentals of Hydrogeology" course offers a comprehensive overview of the world's water resources and the challenges associated with them. This course covers a wide range of topics, including the different types of aquifers, the parameters that characterize aquifers, and the importance of monitoring water budgets. Students will explore the relationship between climate change and groundwater resources, as well as the impact of climate change on groundwater and soil water. In addition, the course delves into the critical issues of water deficit and water conflict, examining methods to combat them, such as sustainable water use technologies, strategic planning for groundwater storage, and comprehensive management of groundwater resources. By gaining an understanding of these principles and practices, students will be equipped to address current and future water challenges, making it an essential course for anyone interested in environmental science, water resource management, or related fields.



1-2. Basic of Hydrogeology. Climate Change and Ground Water (part 1, 2)

3-4. Aquifer Types. Water Budget (part 1, 2)

5-6. Aquifer Parameters (part 1, 2)

7-8. Introduction to Water Resource. A Water Crisis (part 1, 2)

9-10. Water Use at the Global Scale (part 1, 2)

11-12. Water Scarcity (part 1, 2)

13-14. Water Availability and Water Use (part 1, 2)

15-16. Technologies for Sustainable Water. Strategic Groundwater Storage Planning (part 1, 2)

17-18. Integrated Groundwater Management  (part 1, 2)

19-20. Using Water in Industry (part 1, 2)

21-22. Water Risks and Opportunities. Industrial Pollution (part 1, 2)

23-24. International Water Cooperation (part 1, 2)



Dereviahina Nataliia, Associate professor of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, (Ph.D), Dnipro University of Technology

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