2023/2024 Hauptseminar: Elementary Particle Physics

TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2023 / 2024 2023/2024 IKTP Hauptseminar



Hauptseminar (Master)  Elementary Particle Physics

Wednesday 3. DS (11:11-12:40), SE2/201

Dominik Stöckinger

In the seminar we will discuss the current status of elementary particle physics. Students will give talks about key experimental discoveries, fundamental theoretical concepts and a range of crucial phenomena. We will understand the construction of the Standard Model of particle physics, its main features and experimental tests. Potential topics of the talks will include:

- Phenomena of strong interactions from confinement to asymptotic freedom, from quarks and gluons to protons, neutrons and jets.

- Phenomena of weak interactions, parity violation and CP violation.

- Flavour physics and the role of three generations of quarks and leptons.

- The gauge structure of the Standard Model and its phenomenological implications.

- The principle of spontaneous symmetry breaking

- The Higgs sector, the Higgs boson and their role in the Standard Model.

- The discovery of the Higgs boson at LHC and the current status of Higgs physics.

- The discovery of the W- and Z-bosons.

- Theory of electroweak precision tests, predictions of the W-, Higgs and top-quark masses.

- Muon anomalous magnetic moment g-2 - experiment and theory.

- Physics programme of the LHC and other current and future experiments.


Dominik Stöckinger


Students interested in participation are recommended to inscribe using the button "Einschreibung" or show up in the first week of the semester.





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