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Proseminar: Applications of Logic in Computer Science (WS 2023/2024) [beendet]

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TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2023 / 2024 Proseminar: Applications of Logic in Computer Science

Proseminar: Applications of Logic in Computer Science

The Proseminar ”Applications of Logic in Computer Science” is an offer for students in the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science (module INF-B-510, INF-B-520, INF-B-610) and in the Diplom degree in Computer Science (module INF-D-520), who have already had their first contact with logic in the basic courses and would like to delve deeper into the topic.



It is desirable that the students are interested in logic and theoretical computer science (e.g. in the content of the courses ”Formale Systeme” and ”Theoretische Informatik und Logik”).


Learning Objectives

In this Proseminar, students will learn about applications of logic in computer science. The topics are: algorithms for efficiently deriving automatic deductions, the use of logic in concrete application examples, and extensions of classical logics for specific applications.

By the end of this Proseminar, students should be able to:

• read and analyze a text on the application of logic in computer science

• design an appealing presentation

• present the results of the analysis

• review and disccuss a scientific presentation


Course Outline





Topics Publication

Starting 25.09.2023

Online on OPAL

Topics publication on OPAL.

Meeting 1: Topics Introduction (Mandatory)

20.10.2023 13.00-14.00

In-person at Room APB/3027

Overview of the Proseminar and the available topics.

Topic Selection (Mandatory)


Until 24.10.2023 Online on OPAL Binding selection of a topic on OPAL. Allocation is based on ”first come, first serve”.
Exam Registration (Mandatory) Until 30.11.2023 Exam office
Meeting 2: Topic Discussion

01.12.2023 09.00–17.00 1-on-1 in-person

at Room APB/3027


Students read articles on the topic. Discussion with instructor about the topic (e.g., clarification of content-related questions, additional literature, structuring of the topic).
Meeting 3: Talk on Presentation Tips 08.12.2023 13.00–14.00 In-person at Room APB/3027 Optional class by instructor on how to give a presentation.
Outline Submission   By 10.01.2024  Online on OPAL Submission of the outline of the presentation on OPAL.
Meeting 4: Outline Discussion


12.01.2024 9.00–17.00

1-on-1 in-person at Room APB/3027

Outline discussion in person.
Presentation Draft Submission By 24.01.2024 Online on OPAL Submission of the draft for presentation on OPAL.
Meeting 5: Presentation


26.01.2024 9.00–17.00 1-on-1 in-person

at Room APB/3027

Presentation discussion in person.

Final Presentation Submission (Mandatory)

By 31.01.2024 Online on OPAL
Submission of the final presentation on OPAL.

Presentation (Mandatory)

01.02.2024 and 02.02.2024 9.00–12.00

In-person at Room APB/3027 Present the topic in a 30-minute lecture (+15 minutes of discussion). It is particularly important to convey the knowledge in your own words and in an understandable and appealing presentation.

It is also necessary that the students actively participate in the discussions on peer presentations in the Proseminar.




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