W 432 - Organisational & SC Design. WS 2023

Titelbild des Kurses
HTW Dresden | semesterübergreifend W 432 - Organisational & SC Design. WS 2023

Attention! Dear students,


our exam is according to the schedule on 29.01., 13:00, in two rooms: S325 and S327.

See you there!




The  link for  online sessions as ususal:  


See you at 15:10 online.


The link for the registration for your presentations:


See you!

Julia Krause


Dear students, 


welcome to the course W 432 Supply Chain Design - a part of the course W432 Operational and Supply Chain Design. In this course we are going to speak about tendencies in Supply Chain Management, tasks, costs, materials management and demand planning, procurement process and supplier policy, as well as transportation issues. We also focus on Sustainability issues in Supply Chain Design. 


The lesson will be organised as a lecture with lots of discussions, exercises and workshop activities.


The lesson takes place every Thursday, at 15:10, in Room S 207.


Yours in lifelong learning

Julia Krause

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