[S] Artificial Intelligence and International Law WS 2023/24

TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2023 / 2024 [S] Artificial Intelligence and International Law WS 2023/24

[S] Artificial Intelligence and International Law

Artificial intelligence has become a key instrument of human progress in recent years and influences everyday processes, for example in medical care, speech recognition or the aggregation of information. Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence-enabled decision support systems into weapon systems and decision-making processes of governments and the military can already be observed and will further develop in the future. Ultimately, technology-based decisions, inter alia, on war and peace, life and death, the length of prison sentences, or the creditworthiness of individuals have explosive implications politically and individually That is why, despite the technical nature of this topic and as we will explore together in this seminar, artificial intelligence must not only be addressed from the perspective of international law but must also adhere to it.

In addition to a fundamental positioning of artificial intelligence and algorithm-based decisions in international law and the examination of the potential of ethical behavior by AI in international law, specific areas that will be addressed are, among others, human rights law, humanitarian law, and the ius contra bellum.

Accordingly, questions we aim to answer are, inter alia: Is it possible to solve the alignment problem and avoid discrimination and other forms of “unethical” behavior by an AI? Can artificial intelligence foster human rights, e.g., in helping to achieve the full realization of the right to water? What are the legal implications of fully autonomous weapons regarding the question of attribution and norm-compliance? Are existing legal norms sufficient to regulate the use of artificial intelligence through creative interpretation or is there a need for new regulation of the lex lata should not foresee any applicable rules? Can the due diligence principle save the day in regulating AI? And who is to be held accountable in case of deep fakes and spoofs manipulating decisions? 

The seminar is open to all interested students who are willing to thoroughly engage with the topics and actively participate in the discussions.

Note: The seminar will be held on January 26 to 28, 2024.

A preliminary meeting via zoom: https://tu-dresden.zoom-x.de/j/67656153274?pwd=TDVxdGd5VnVPTjYzdGt­NNDVBUDl5Zz09 will take place on October 9 from 11.10 to 12.00.

Only after the meeting will it be possible to choose your topic.

The seminar will be held in English.


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