Water Chemistry Modules WiSe: UW-BHW-318, MHSE 37, MHYD 24, Chem-Ma-B02, Chem-Ma-B05, MW-VNT-126

TU Dresden | Semester overlapping Water Chemistry Modules WiSe

UW-BHW-318, MHSE 37, MHYD 24, Chem-Ma-B02, Chem-Ma-B05, MW-VNT-126

Dear participants,

this OPAL course comprises information relevant for various modules offered by the Institute of Water Chemistry:

UW-BHW-318: Wasserinhaltsstoffe
MHSE 37: Water Quality and Water Treatment
MHYD 24: Wasserqualität
MW-VNT-126: Chemische Wassertechnologie
Chem-Ma-B02: Water Chemistry and Treatment
Chem-Ma-B05: Water Constituents and their Analysis

In a first step please enrol to the module which is relevant to you. Subsequently, you will get access to the materials, schedules, appointments, etc. corresponding to the selected module. For those participants who would like to take part in multiple of these modules, it is possible to enrol to 2 different modules at the same time. In this case you will see elements of both modules. Please do not hesitate to contact me to solve open questions.

Best regards and lots of success

Stephan Beil 

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