(S) Theory as Fiction? The Novels of Julian Barnes and David Lodge

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2024 (S) Theory as Fiction? The Novels of Julian Barnes and David Lodge

David Lodge’s "Nice Work" has repeatedly been hailed as one of the funniest campus novels ever, exposing the working (or not) of universities and their professors, assistant teachers and students. However, the novel also explains major literary theoretical concepts to the reader: so why not refresh your knowledge of literary and cultural studies with the help of an intelligent and hilarious novel? Hotly debated theoretical concepts such as deconstructive feminism, realism, the 19th century industrial novel, stereotyping but also narrative techniques and their impact on the meaning of a novel are cleverly presented and entertainingly put into practice by Lodge.Julian Barnes’ bestseller "England, England" operates in a similar way, confronting us with a satire on English- and Britishness which also discusses cultural and media studies. What, for example, are the main characteristics of Englishness, and how can we sell it to the world? What is the difference between an original and a copy; or between everyday and virtual reality? And what is the difference between a nation and an enterprise – if there is one at all? This seminar centres on how the comic aspects of "Nice Work" and "England,England" are linked with the more serious theoretical concepts from literary, cultural and media studies mentioned above.

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