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Colloids and Interfaces = MA-Colloids = 211034-842 & ...-843

TU Chemnitz | Sommersemester 2024 Colloids and Interfaces = MA-Colloids = 211034-842 & ...-843

Colloids and Interfaces = MA-Colloids = 211034-842 & ...-843

This course is part of the Master curriculae Chemistry, Advanced Functional Materials, Informatics and Mathematics, guests from all faculties are welcome. The form of the course is lecture, discussions and active participation by the students are very welcome. The primary language is English, - where possible - presentation slides will be bilingual English/German. Discussions in either of both languages are fine. 

The subjects of the course are: interfaces, wetting, monolayers, adsorption,  Interaction between interfaces, preparation decay and stabilization of colloids and dispersions.

My goal is to enabled You to explain natural phenomena using concepts of interfacial thermodynamics and dispersion interactions, create and characterize monolayers, adsorption layers, wetting layers, colloids and dispersions 

This course is part of the Master curriculae Chemistry, Advanced Functional Materials, Informatics and Mathematics, guests from all faculties are welcome. The form of the course is lecture, discussions and active participation by the students are very welcome. The primary language is English, - where possible - presentation slides will be bilingual English/German. Discussions in either of both languages are fine. 

The subjects of the course are: interfaces, wetting, monolayers, adsorption,  Interaction between interfaces, preparation decay and stabilization of colloids and dispersions.

My goal is to enabled You to explain natural phenomena using concepts of interfacial thermodynamics and dispersion interactions, create and characterize monolayers, adsorption layers, wetting layers, colloids and dispersions 


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  • Dieser Inhalt ist freigegeben von 01.03.2024 00:00 Uhr bis 31.12.2024 23:59 Uhr.