Researching International Organizational Behavior

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2024 Researching International Organizational Behavior

Researching International Organizational Behavior

Master Course: Researching International Organizational Behavior

Summer Term 2024

This course conveys knowledge regarding the research process of studying organizational behavior in an international context.

Instructor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Störmer

Objectives: Students are introduced to and learn about the different research traditions to be found in the studies on international organizational behavior. In that vein, students approach a current topic in the realms of international organizational behavior and dissect it through the use of a scientific lens. In conjunction with this, students improve their analytical, writing, and presentation skills. Eventually, the seminar prepares students for their (empirical) master thesis.

Topical Focus:

In the 2024 summer term, students can select their topic from a wide range of pertinent subjects within international organizational behavior. Examples are, but are not confined to: personality and cross-cultural adjustment, expatriate-local relations, global mobility and dual career couples, or global virtual teams, etc. Students will develop a research proposal for an empirical study – quantitative or qualitative – as a hypothetical blueprint to an empirical examination of their topic of choice.

Tentative Overview

Course type: Seminar



Evaluation: Seminar paper incl. presentation/discussion

5 C

Exam requirements: To pass the course, students have to work in teams and produce a joint paper. Further, they are expected to share their findings with their co-students as part of a presentation of their paper.

Expected prerequisites: Basic knowledge of HRM and/or Organizational Behavior is recommended.

Application: Students enroll for the course in OPAL. After enrollment, lots will be drawn to determine participants.

The application window is open from March 20 2024, 12 pm, and will end April 2 2024, 12 pm.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent on April 5 2024.

Duration: 1 Semester

Language: English

Maximum number of participants: 12



Schedule: The first session will take place April 17 2024, 9:20-10:50 am in SCH A105/P. Further dates and literature will be announced in the kick-off session. Students will receive further notifications via OPAL/E-Mail in advance.

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