SERRADO_Seminar: Do flowers dream? Nature, culture and politics in the vegetal world

TU Chemnitz | Sommersemester 2024 SERRADO_Seminar: Do flowers dream? Nature, culture and politics in the vegetal world

Dr. Joana Serrado

Either as a category of human differentiation or as an academic discipline, culture is often perceived and defined as an inherently human practice that is external to, or in opposition to, a natural world. As an object and resource of human life nature provides sustenance and survival to human species, as subject and source of life, nature contains a driving force for human extinction.

This seminar address issues topics within environmental humanities through debates in of artistic, political and ethical implications. From survival and extinction, development and sustainability, sensation and representation, awareness and engagement, change and conservation, as expressed through flowers, plants and other beings destitute of humanity. 

In addition to field trips, students will be expected to engage with arguments about the nature-culture divide made (or personified) by Aristotle and Pocahontas, Goethe and Clarice Lispector, Greta Thunberg and Immanuel Kant, Henry Thoreau and Renaud Camus. Participants are also encouraged to strengthen their communicative and critical skills while engaging with different methods in intellectual history.

Module: KV1, KV3, 272034-004 (Kultur u. Länderstudien Westeuropas im Vertiefungsstudium), FM3 

Zeit: Fr. 13.45-15.15

Raum: 2/NK003 (C10.U03)

Beginn: 05.04.2024

Prüfungsleistung: entsprechend d. Studiengangs- rsp. Prüfungsordnung.


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