2024 Modern Cosmology

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2024 Modern Cosmology 2024

Concepts, experimental findings, and open questions

This lecture will be held in English.


  • Tuesday 4. DS (13:00 - 14:30), ASB/328
  • First lecture on Tuesday 09.04.2024

Exercise session

Friday, 4. DS (13:00 - 14:30) ASB/328 (every other week, even calendar weeks).

Please sign up in the menu on the left at "Einschreibung" in order to receive access to the lecture slides and to the exercise sheets.

  • First exercise session Friday 19.04.2024 

Lectures will be given by

Prof. Dr. D. Bemmerer, d.bemmerer@hzdr.de

Exercise sessions will be led by

B.Sc. Simon Vincent, simon_thilo.vincent@mailbox.tu-dresden.de


  • 01.04.2024 OPAL page created
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