Consultation Academic Writing WS24/25

TU Chemnitz | Wintersemester 2024 / 2025 Consultation Academic Writing WS24/25

Consultation sessions in academic writing aim to help students enhance the quality of their written work. Students will have the opportunity to gain professional advice and guidance on their academic writing tasks, including reviewing partial drafts and offering constructive feedback to improve writing clarity, coherence, structure, and argumentation. Additionally, students are offered strategies on editing and proofreading to correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, academic referencing and style. Where needed, research guidance, such as the identification and formulation of research questions, selecting methodologies, and finding credible sources is also given. Tailored support is available for students working on large-scale projects like theses or dissertations, including help with outlining and study design. Personalised writing plans can also be reviewed to help students manage their time more effectively.

Please get in touch for individual appointments:

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