Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Countries I

TU Chemnitz | Wintersemester 2024 / 2025 Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Countries I

Tuesday, 11:30 – 13:00, 1/368A (A10.368.1)                                      First meeting: 15.10.2024


Within this course we will lay the foundation for the successful writing of term papers and BA theses in the section of Anglophone Area Studies. The first seminar of the module focusses on the creation of a research design and the application of research strategies for thematic projects that differ in scope and scale. Therefore, we will deal with the individual steps necessary for an academic project, from carving out a thematic field, to formulating a research question, finding and cataloguing sources and critically approaching these sources as well as writing organisation and referencing and potential issues arising at each of these steps.

Participants will gain a deepened understanding of research strategies and academic research regarding different dimensions of social, cultural and political issues within the context of anglophone countries. Within the seminar, methods and theories of political and social science as well as cultural studies will be discussed and applied to specific cases. Students will learn to critically engage, discuss and analyse different sources and data material.

Successful completion of the lecture Comparing Britain and the US (passed exam, except Erasmus).

Requirements for credits:
Active participation in class and a 15-minute oral presentation on an assigned task. SELAEn and Erasmus students can choose between writing a term paper or three essays which are to be handed in on specific dates during the lecture period.
A reader as well as an additional reading list will be provided via the OPAL directory of the course.

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