[V] Introduction to Public International Law WS 2024/25

TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2024 / 2025 [V] Introduction to Public International Law WS 2024/25
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ajla Škrbić
Time and Place Thursday (3), HSZ/403
Start October 17, 2024
Eligible students Students enrolled in the Bachelor’s degree International Relations (mandatory for the 1st Semester); students enrolled in the Master’s degree International Relations (Harmonisierungsmodul); students with a minor in Law

This introduction to Public International Law will cover fundamental aspects of public international law, namely subjects and sources of international law, its relationship to municipal law, and fundamental principles, such as those of sovereign equality, non-interference, state immunity, the settlement of disputes by peaceful means, state responsibility, and the prohibition of the use of force, including its exceptions.

The course will feature several case studies and discuss current debates. These will, among others, include the question of Palestinian statehood, the status of Crimea, international terrorism, and the disputed legality of humanitarian interventions.

A sourcebook and reading material will be provided.

Literature Further reading on fundamental principles of international law: Besson/Tasioulas, The Philosophy of International Law, OUP 2010; Fassbender/Aust (Eds.), Basistexte: Völkerrechtsdenken, Nomos UTB 2012.
Further Information The Course will be held in English. 
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