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OPPERMANN V Foreign Policy Analysis WiSe 24/25

TU Chemnitz | Wintersemester 2024 / 2025 OPPERMANN V Foreign Policy Analysis WiSe 24/25

VL: Foreign Policy Analysis

Thursdays, 11.30am-1pm, room 2/W017


Prof. Dr. Kai Oppermann



This lecture provides you with the analytical skills to critically analyse the foreign policies of different countries in Europe and beyond. It will introduce the academic field of Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) and familiarise you with its most important methods and theories. Specifically, the lecture will cover theoretical approaches on the international, state and individual levels of analysis. It will unpack the process of foreign policy decision-making in order to identify the most significant foreign policy actors as well as material and non-material influences on different types of foreign policy decisions. The lecture will also discuss different instruments in the foreign policy toolbox of states and illustrate the theoretical arguments with empirical examples from different countries and issue areas.


Learning Objectives and Preparation

The lecture has five learning objectives. It should enable you to…

            …understand the hallmarks of Foreign Policy Analysis;

 …critically appreciate the main theoretical approaches in the field on different levels of analysis;

            …apply these theories to relevant foreign policy puzzles;

 …engage with and critically evaluate key issues on the current foreign policy agenda in a variety of issue areas and countries;

 …actively participate in English-language academic discussions in Foreign Policy Analysis and International Relations more broadly.


In order to achieve these learning outcomes it is essential that you attend every class and come well-prepared. You are expected to do one reading every week to supplement the lecture. It is also strongly recommended to work through, and consider buying, one FPA textbook.


Language: The lecture will be given in English.

Assessment: Written exam (Klausur) (60 minutes)

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