Advanced concepts of physics

TU Chemnitz | semesterübergreifend Advanced concepts of physics

This subject has the goal of refreshing/learning the most important basics for the AFM master study program in the physics field. Parallel to this lecture is also the "Advanced concepts in chemistry" with the same goal for the chemistry field.

The lecture is ever Monday from 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM in room 1/273 (main university building in the StraNa), and on Monday every two weeks (21.10., 4.11., 18.11., ...) from 1:45 PM to 3:15 PM in room 2/D101 (D-Bau between the mensa Reichenhainer Str. and the Weinhold-Bau).

With this course all the referenced literature and the lecture scripts are available to download.

In case of problems, check the university website from the Magnetic Functional Materials, or write an e-mail.

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