Konsumentenverhalten / Consumer Behavior Sommersemester 2025

TU Chemnitz | Sommersemester 2025 Konsumentenverhalten / Consumer Behavior Sommersemester 2025

Consumer Behavior / Konsumentenverhalten – Information regarding summer term 2025

Dear Students,

Welcome to the course Consumer Behavior (Konsumentenverhalten, 261032-600)!

The course consists of a lecture (2 LVS) and an accompanying exercise (1 LVS).



Please read the following information carefully. 

All contents of the lecture will be relevant for the exam.  

The course Consumer Behavior will take place as an in-class event.

Please make sure you will be in Chemnitz for the final exam. The final exam will take place in-class. There will not be any exceptions for taking the exam earlier or online. Please be aware of this when signing up for this class.



Please enroll in this course to receive information about this course by email as well. We use this course for communication.



The lecture takes place weekly as an in-class event. For information about the room, please refer to the current online course catalog (https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/verwaltung/vlvz/). Additional information on dates, e.g., on contents such as guest lectures or Q&A sessions, can be found in this OPAL course.

To download the accompanying slides for the lecture, please go to the course element "Script and other material" in this course.

You also find a forum in this OPAL course. Here you can ask your questions and further discuss lecture or exercise content with peer students. In case you have any questions that you do not want to discuss in the forum, please do not hesitate to contact us.



The exercises take place in class. You will be provided with a new exercise every two weeks. Please check the course material regularly and prepare for the exercises. 

To access the learning materials go to "Exercise", then select Articles.


If you have any further questions about this course, please contact us.

We wish you all a good start into the summer semester 2025 and are very much looking forward to meeting you next semester in the classrooms of the TU Chemnitz.

Your Chair of Marketing and Retail

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