Online-Brückenkurs und Übungstool Mathematik

TU Chemnitz | Semester overlapping Online Math Preparatory Course and Exercise Tool

This is the Online Exercise Tool for Mathematics.

Please read the information below carefully!


For whom is this online exercise appropriate?
This exercise about mathematics is targeted at all those who aim at autonomously refreshing their proficiency in mathematics at school graduation level.
Providing an oppertunity to handle suitable exercises concerning a variety of topics is considered the main goal of this course.


How is the structure and what are the topics of this course?
The major part of this course consists of basic knowledge of mathematics which is taught in school at graduation level. Therefore, you may already be familiar with most of the content.
The course is divided into five chapters, each with several topics.

There is a brief introduction to every topic containing a summary of all important statements beside corresponding exercises. An overview of that small extend is, of course, not comparable to a book chapter or similarly detailed approaches.

In-person classes also offer a completely different spectrum of options as well.
Hence, this online exercise tool predominantly serves as a basic guidiance and an additional exercise option.
Books and educational videos are appropriate tools for more intense learning.

Nevertheless: Exercising autonomously is a vital part of understanding and internalizing mathematical concepts!

This is the reason why there are brief self-tests where you can test your current skills.
Most of the exersice tasks are selected randomly, i.e. a new tasks are offered in the case that a test is carried out more than once.
You will receive a feedback after every single task. If you failed at solving a task, you will be presented a sample solution or a hint.
At the end of each chapter you may perform a final test in order to monitor your knowledge of the whole chapter.


What are necessary tools?

Neither a compendium of formulae nor a graphics caculator are necessary for the course since all information can be found here. For the majority of exercises, a sheet of paper and a pen are the only items which must be present. In the few cases where there is no other way of solving the exercise, a plain calculator is integrated in the test and is available via a calculator button in the upper right corner. You may also use your own plain calculator for those situations.


Is an OPAL account required?

The contents of the course, including the online tests, are also available if you did not sign up to OPAL. However, an OPAL account it is recommended (if you have not got an university login yet).
The advatages of using an OPAL account are:

- You can pause tests and continue later.

You can always check your test results and monitor your progress.

- You can enroll to the course ('Einschreibung' in the menu on the left panel). The people in charge can review your test results if demandedin order to support you with improved answers to your questions.

Signing up as a guest:

First, click Einschreibung (enrollment, left menu panel), then proceed by clicking Registrierung (registration).

Where to start?
The Tutorial is recommended to obtain an impression of the online tests. Some basic requirements for the execution of the test are explained there. The tutorial is also available via the menu panel on the left side. After you have finished the Tutorial, you may work on the chapters. If you want to work through all chapters, the default order is recommended.


Who is responsible for questions and recommendations?
If you have any questions or recommendations, you can use the available forums (anonymously) or contact us via Email (menu panel > 'Weitere Infos / Kontakt'). Moreover, during the Online Exercise course, you can contact
In addition, contact persons are available in the webroom (virtual room with audio, video and chat function) during the online bridge course, see dates listed above.


Have fun and good luck with your studies!


In diesem Kurs werden ausgewählte Themen zum Abiturwissen in Mathematik kurz wiederholt und anhand von Beispielen erläutert.

Insbesondere können selbstständig elektronische Übungsaufgaben zu den jeweiligen Themen bearbeitet werden.

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