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PINHEIRO Seminar: Ideas of Europe [beendet]

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TU Chemnitz | semesterübergreifend PINHEIRO Seminar: Ideas of Europe [beendet]

Prof. Dr. Teresa Pinheiro


At the beginning of the 21st century the process of European integration has achieved a depth it never had before. Since the Treaty of Lisbon has entered into force, the European Union now seems to be the supra-national community many intellectuals have conceived and desired in the past. Since Herodot European thinkers, politicians and artist tried to conceptualize the Old Continent as a unity.

The seminar will provide an insight into ideas of Europe that have been elaborated from Antiquity until today. The seminar follows a chronological order, dealing with concepts of Europe in the Greek and Roman Antiquity, the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Romantic and Nationalism, the World Wars and 20th Century's Dictatorships, and the emergence of the European Communities. Nevertheless the concepts of Europe to be discussed should not be taken as stages of a linear history. They have rather been a concern of any epoch of European history to conceive Europe as an 'imagined community'.

The seminar is conceived as a lecture combined with discussions in small groups. No presentations are expected from the participants. During the term students should choose a topic for their term paper and discuss it with the professor during the consultation hours.


Module: ES_KK1, ES_KV1, ES_KK3, ES_KV3, ES_S4 (PO 2012), BEUGE_EM1, MEUGE_EM1

Teilnahmevoraussetzung: für ES_KV1: ES_KK1; für ES_KV3: ES_KK3

Zeit: Di., 9.15 - 10.45 Uhr

Beginn: 16.10.2012

Raum: 2/N105

Anmeldung: OPAL

Prüfungsleistung: Hausarbeit

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