RIEDEL Political Economy of the Monetary Integration [beendet]

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TU Chemnitz | Wintersemester 2015 / 2016 RIEDEL Political Economy of the Monetary Integration [beendet]

Di 17:15‐18:45 2/W035

Monetary union, very often portrayed to be the core of the European integration project, requires to be covered by the program offered to the European studies students. The theme overlaps the two important disciplines, namely economic and political sciences – both perspectives will be present in the content of the course. It provide the students with the improved understanding of the sources, foundations, mechanisms, functioning, effects, imperfections, and challenges of the European monetary union. The program will also cover the question of fiscal federalism, both in the EU context as well as it will tackle the question: what lessons can the Europeans draw from the Americans (as regards the experience in building monetary union), how to construct legitimacy mechanisms for monetary integration, how to organize sustainable relations between economic and monetary unions. Central and Eastern European context will also be featured – the region of CEE became highly divided after the last (01.01.2015) round of the Eurozone enlargements and the states remaining outside of the EMU face a political and economic dilemma connected with the option/date of joining it.

M. Hallerberg, (2006) ‘Fickle fiscal federalism? Fiscal relationships in the US and EU’, in Anand Menon and Martin Schain (eds) Comparative federalism, Oxford University Press

R. Riedel, Teoria optymalnych obszarów walutowych a budowa unii walutowej w Europie (Optimal Currency Areas Theory and the Building of Monetary Union in Europe), „Przegląd Europejski” (European Review) nr 2 (28) 2013, pp. 7-16

A. Ang, and F. A. Longstaff (2011) ‘Systemic sovereign credit risk: lessons from the US and Europe’, Working Paper 16982, National Bureau of Economic Research

R. Riedel, Kryzys w strefie euro a problem legitymacji władzy w Unii Europejskiej (ang. Euro-zone Crisis and the Problem of the Legitimacy in the European Union), „Unia Europejska.pl” nr 6 (217) 2012, bi-monthly by Instytutu Badań Rynku, Konsumpcji i Koniunktur, pp. 23-31

Die Lehrveranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.

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