RIEDEL EU Governance (from CEE perspective) [beendet]

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TU Chemnitz | Wintersemester 2015 / 2016 RIEDEL EU Governance (from CEE perspective) [beendet]

Mi 09:15‐10:45 1/208

The European Union represents a unique form of political and economic entity experimenting with various methods of decision making, institutional innovations and policy mix. This extraordinary supranational organization requires in-depth analysis – which will be delivered by the course. Vital issues, present in the European debate will be studied, including the problem of democratic deficits, multi-level governance, hybrid type of EU’s institutional architecture combining both supranational and inter-governmental logics, reforms and crisis of decision making process, etc. The specific Central and Eastern European perspective on EU governance stems from the fact that the CEE member states are still relatively new, inexperienced, and rooted in different political and civic culture. This specifics makes the CEE’s participation in the dynamic European integration process a fascinating object to be studied.

R. Riedel, European Union – hybrid political system. Multilevel governance as a compromise between intergovernmentalism and supranationalism, „Przegląd Socjologiczny” vol LVII/2, 2008, pp. 67-80

R. Riedel, T. Winzen, Legitimate Governance in the EU – Policy Recommendations, in: „De Doctrina Europea” 6/2009, p. 11-40

R. Riedel, The Sub-national Authorities in a Multi-level Governance Setting – the Silesian Case Study, in: Intercultural Dialog and Multi-level Governance in Europe. A Human Rights Based Approach. (ed.) Leonce Bekemans, Publishing House: P.I.E. Peter Lang, Bruksela 2012, pp. 263-276

Die Lehrveranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.

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