RIEDEL Euroscepticism in New and Old Europe - Research Seminar [beendet]

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TU Chemnitz | Wintersemester 2015 / 2016 RIEDEL Euroscepticism in New and Old Europe - Research Seminar [beendet]

Mi 11:30‐13:00 1/208

The course will take advantage of the multi-national composition of the students in the classroom. It will allow the students to analyze the specific version Eurosceptic views in one country in relation to other variants of Euroscepticism present across Europe. The course will start with an overview of the most important works on the concept of Euroscepticism, following the positioning of Euroscpetic views on the monetary integration in Europe. The gravity point of the research seminar will focus on the the subject-approach to Euroscepticism. It will try to verify the most important factors determining the phenomenon. Special attention will be dedicated to the economic crisis (2007-2014) which is understood as an important contextual variable of Euroscepticism. All the above knowledge will constitute a foundation upon which the students will conceptualize their research designs and will conduct their own research.

P. Taggart, A. Szczerbiak, (2004), Contemporary Euroscepticism in the party systems of the European Union candidate states of Central and Eastern Europe, „European Journal of Political Research” vol. 43.

M. Allam, A. Goerres, (2008), Adopting the Euro in Post-Communist Countries. An Analysis of the Attitudes toward the Single Currency, “MPIfG Discussion Paper” 08/1.

P. Kopecky, C. Mudde (2002), The Two Sides of Euroscepticism: Party Positions on European Integration in East Central Europe, „European Union Politics”, t. 3, nr 3.

S. R. Katz (2008), Euroscepticism in Parliament: A Comparative Analysis of the European and National Parliaments, [w:] Opposing Europe? The Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism, t. 2: Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives, red. A. Szczerbiak, P. Taggart, Oxford 2008.

Die Lehrveranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.

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