We will use bicycles during some of the days of the Summer School. The company that provides us with them is called Fietsverhuurgroningen and will give you the bicycle on Sunday, 22nd September, at 19:00 or earlier that day.
Please contact us, if you can not reach Groningen before 19:00.
As a deposit they want you to bring 60€ cash that will stay in their shop until you return your bicycle on Wednesday evening, 25th September. Don't worry, if you don't have € in your country, there is an ATM directly next to the bicycle shop where you can get cash money in €. You can use the 60€, that you will receive back on Wednesday afternoon, e.g. for drinks at the following dinners.
Now, the question:
Are you able to safely ride a bicycle, e.g. from the hotel to the campus? If not, please state "no" and we will organize a bus connection for you.