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MemrisTec Summer School 2024 in Groningen - Registration


(This question is mandatory)
Would you like to register as a participant for the MemrisTec Summer School 2024 happening from 22.9.-29.9.2024 in Groningen, Netherlands?
(This question is mandatory)
Would you like to register as a teacher for the MemrisTec Summer School 2024 in Groningen?
(This question is mandatory)

Personal Information

The MemrisTec program, funded by the German Research Foundation, is committed to support a balance of gender in science and the compatibility of family and scientific career. If you are self-confident in sharing this information and want to express yourself in any kind of gender in a binary way, please anser here. Otherwise, just take the "No answer" option.

(This question is mandatory)


The Summer School will be performed in English. How would you describe the level of your English competences regarding to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) where A1 is the lowest and C2 is the highest?

Scientific Background

(This question is mandatory)
Did you already received a Bachelor (or Vordiplom)?
(This question is mandatory)
Did you already received a Master degree or a diploma?
(This question is mandatory)
Did you already received a PhD?
(This question is mandatory)
Do you currently try to receive a PhD, e.g. in a PhD program?
How would you describe your PhD topic (max. 280 characters)!

Eating Habits

Please indiciate any eating habits that we should know to preapre the food during the Summer School accordingly.


We expect you to organise and cover the costs of your travel on your own. Please make sure to arrive in the City Hotel Groningen before 19:00 on 22.09.2024 (Sunday) and leave the Summer School not earlier than 29.9.2024 (Sunday). If you would like to let us know any specific feedback regarding your travelling, please state it here:


You could use the MemrisTec Summer School map for additional spatial information - it will show all specific locations (POIs) for this event.

Fullscreen Map


All participants will stay in one place: The City Hotel Groningen.  We already booked double rooms for you – please contact us first, don’t book on your own!

The address of your destination:

City Hotel Groningen
Gedempte Kattendiep 25
9711 PM, Groningen

If you would be just fine with a bed in a double room without broaching the issue of gender, you don't need to tick any of the above points.


We will use bicycles during some of the days of the Summer School. The company that provides us with them is called Fietsverhuurgroningen and will give you the bicycle on Sunday, 22nd September, at 19:00 or earlier that day.

Please contact us, if you can not reach Groningen before 19:00.

As a deposit they want you to bring 60€ cash that will stay in their shop until you return your bicycle on Wednesday evening, 25th September. Don't worry, if you don't have € in your country, there is an ATM directly next to the bicycle shop where you can get cash money in €. You can use the 60€, that you will receive back on Wednesday afternoon, e.g. for drinks at the following dinners.


Now, the question:

Are you able to safely ride a bicycle, e.g. from the hotel to the campus? If not, please state "no" and we will organize a bus connection for you.

(This question is mandatory)

Participation Fee

We are a team of universites and research institutions without aspiration to gain profit. Therefore, there is no fee for the scientific activities (e.g. the lectures) during the Summer School itself. To negotiate good prices for accomodation, meals, bus transfer, activities we will ask you for a participation fee covering these expenses. Your journey to/from Groningen is not included. The participation fee is in estimation right now, but expect roughly 899€ for the 7 nights (for people from Groningen much less). If you need a visa for Europe, please register soon.

Now the important financial question: Do you understand, that your registration is only valid after the transfer of the Participation Fee to the Summer School Organizers?

Lecture Confirmation

Please check your lecture information on the summer school website!

(This question is mandatory)

Invoice Address

Many participants have some kind of funding (e.g. a research project) which will cover the costs of the Summer School invoice. Please state here the correct invoice address for either you personal (if you will cover the costs) or the institution (if someone else will cover the costs).

Please think twice and maybe check with your secretary or controller which invoice address should be really mentioned here...

Travel Cost Reimbursement

After the approval to teach at the MemrisTec Summer School 2024 we would initiate a guest lecturer contract and need some personal information from you. Usually, we cover the travel costs and the accommodation for the two nights around your lecture for you. We already booked in the City Hotel Groningen. Please book your tavel on your own and keep it cheap - please avoid flights (only reimburseable if cheaper than a train connection) and taxis (not reimburseable) and book as early as you get the confirmation to teach at the Summer School!

Anything else you would like to let us know?