Toggle navigation Load unfinished survey 0% Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. default Registry Landscape for Inborn Errors of Immunity (IEI) Dear colleagues, On behalf of the ESID registry working party, we would like to understand how many active registries for inborn errors of immunity (IEI) for patient data entry exist. This shall become part of a manuscript and give an overview of the global registry landscape and of possibilities for further collaborations with the ESID registry (ESID-R). We would be grateful, if you could take 3-5 minutes to answer our survey about your national, international and regional registry involvement (if existent). Please submit your answers until July 21, 2024. We are planning to include the contribution of your completed survey in the pubmed-searchable group-collaborator list at the end of the article. We thank you for your time and contribution! Next Load unfinished survey ×