Design Patterns for VCL arrangements by the Chair of Business Informatics, especially Information Management at the TU Dresden.
This Wiki documents the experience with the planning, organisation, execution, and evaluation of group-learning projects in the virtual classrooms (so called Virtual Collaborative Learning projects – VCL projects) at the Chair of Business Informatics, esp. Information management, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. This documentation is the result of the project „VCL Transfer“ (10/2009 – 12/2009), financed by the government of Saxony, Germany, as well as a follow-up project financed by the Technische Universität Dresden (05/2011-09/2012) and Multi Media Fonds (11/2019-9/2020).
VCL projects have been used at the Chair of Information management since 2001 in various settings. They have also been an integral part of research and transfer projects. The collected experience presented in this Wiki is structured in the form of Pedagogical Design Patterns to give systematic solutions to key problems connected to running VCL projects. In this way, we wish to share our experience with other institutions.
The structure of each pattern is as follows:
Problem | Description of the problem |
Framework | Description of the context |
Solution | Description of the solution |
Links | Links to other relevant patterns |
The overview of a VCL cycle shows a basic structure of the Wiki and is therefore useful for the navigation. The documentation also provides further suggestions for the use of the patterns.