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Chair of Air Transport Technology and Logistics | Wintersemester 2024 / 2025 Navigation

The module covers geodetic and cartographic fundamentals, radio navigation/location equipment technology, inertial navigation, satellite navigation, the principles of procedure design, the principles of airspace utilization in relation to given capacities, airport coordination procedures, network operations traffic flow management, tactical air traffic control measures and air traffic control operations services, technology-based planning, the organization and implementation of air traffic control and its future concepts, airborne and ground-based systems and technologies for communication and surveillance.

Module Structure for the study programms:

  • Traffic Engineering (Diploma)
  • Air Traffic and Logistics (Master)
  • Transportation Economics (Master)
 "CNS and tactical ATM"

Module Part

Module Part
Communication and Surveillance

Module Part
Procedure Design and Network Management


Please note: Do not forget to register separately for all three parts of the module.


Module Structure for the study programms:

  • Industrial Engineering (Master & Diploma)
  • Mechanical Engineering (Diploma)
 "Communication, Navigation & Surveillance (CNS) "

Module Part

Module Part
Communication and Surveillance


Please note: Do not forget to register separately for all two parts of the module.

Contents of the course:

1. general basics of navigation
2. geodetic and cartographic basics
3. radio navigation
4. inertial navigation
5. satellite navigation
6. integrated navigation


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