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[Ringvorlesung] European Investment Bank

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2020 [Ringvorlesung] European Investment Bank
Dr. Götz von Thadden
Dr. Martin Humburg
Elina Kamenitzer
Christa Karis



(Anrechnung für das Modul TE ohne Prüfung mit 2 CP, Teilnahmenachweis erforderlich)


Thursday (5) 2:50 - 4:20 p.m.

April 30, 2020: The European Investment Bank (von Thadden)

May 14, 2020: The Project Cycle at EIB (Humburg)

June 11, 2020: Keynote, t.b.a. (Kamenitzer, Head of the Green Deal Operations)

June 25, 2020: The European Investment Fund (Karis)

Unfortunately, the fourth and final lecture planned to be held in Luxembourg cannot take place because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we are happy to announce that there will be one additional lecture by the Head of the Green Deal Operations, Elina Kamenitzer offered via WebEx.

To be announced: Info Event for Master Students about the Summer School of the European Investment Bank

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