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Fuzzy Description Logic (WS20/21) [beendet]

Dieser Kurs wurde beendet und wird nicht länger bearbeitet oder aktualisiert.
TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2021 Fuzzy Description Logic (WS20/21) [beendet]

Lecture: Dr.-Ing. Stefan Borgwardt
Tutorials: Dr. Anton Claußnitzer

The course covers fuzzy Description Logics as formalisms for representing and reasoning with vague or imprecise knowledge. We will study several variants of fuzzy \(\mathcal{ALC}\) that differ from each other by their expressivity and their fuzzy semantics. For the logics where this is possible, we will cover practical methods for reasoning over them. However, we will also show that these logics easily become undecidable.


The lecture encompasses 2/2/0 SWS.

The lectures will be made available as pre-recorded videos each week. Accompanying lecture slides will also be published.

Students can ask questions in the forum on this page (also anonymously).

The tutorials will take place every week on Wednesdays, 16:40–18:10, starting on Nov 4. The tutorials take place on Gather. Exercise sheets will be made available one week before each tutorial.

The lecture can be used for the modules INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6, INF-PM-FOR, INF-B-510, INF-B-520, MCL-KR, MCL-TCSL, MCL-AI, CMS‑LM‑AI, CMS‑LM‑ADV. Please contact Stefan Borgwardt for fixing a date for your oral examinations.

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