2021/2022 Statistics and Data Analysis (Vertiefungsfach)
Thursday 4th DS (13h00-14h30)
Lecturer: Dr. Heberth Torres
This lecture is done in hybrid mode: In person at ASB / 328 / H (this is the preferred mode), and an online connection is also available (you can find the connection details below).
Wednesday, 5th DS, (14h50-16h20, odd calendar weeks, starting on 27.10)
Hybrid ( REC / B113 computing pool, and online if necessary )
Tutor: Max Stange
Join Zoom Meeting for lecture and tutorial:
Meeting ID: 649 8915 3181
Passcode: 188225
One tap mobile
+ 496971049922 ,, 64989153181 # Germany
+ 496950502596 ,, 64989153181 # Germany
Dial by your location
+49 695 050 2596 Germany
+49 69 7104 9922 Germany
Meeting ID: 649 8915 3181