Chaos and Quantum Chaos 2022
The class is offered in an on-site and an online mode.
On-site mode: lectures and exercises on
- Monday 13:00 (4.DS), BZW/A120
- Tuesday 11:10 (3.DS), BZW/A120
Online mode: - lecture videos of 2021
- exercises (+ questions on lecture) Monday 15:00 starting April 11th on BBB
Enrollment required for access to class material and upload of homework.
Hamiltonian chaos: dynamical systems, KAM-theorem, origin of chaotic dynamics, transport in phase space.
Quantum signatures of chaos: spectra, eigenstates, semiclassics, Gutzwiller trace formula, random matrix theory, experimental systems.
Computer simulations will be used for visualization.
Language: english
Knowledge: mechanics, basic quantum theory (Quantentheorie I), basic programming
Audience: Bachelor, Master (Vertiefung Theoretische Physik), Ph.D., IMPRS-MPSSE
(Bachelor students can use class for Bachelor or Master Vertiefung Theoretische Physik)
Mainly analytical problems on classical and quantum dynamical systems.
Will be presented by students.
Mainly numerical problems on classical and quantum dynamical systems.
Requirement for passing the class: 2 (out of 3) classical and 2 (out of 3) quantum problems with individual deadlines during the term.
Will be presented by students.
(Bachelor und Master: entspricht Schriftlicher Problembearbeitung).
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