TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2022 / 2023 Model Checking


Model Checking is a fully automatic verification method for reactive systems. This course provides an introduction to the main principles of model checking:

  • modeling reactive systems by transition systems
  • linear time properties and Büchi automata
  • linear temporal logic and automata-based model checking
  • computation tree logic

and selected topics of:

  • bisimulation and simulation relations
  • probabilistic and timed automata
  • partial order reduction, symbolic model checking


Enrolling via OPAL is required until October 11th 2021.


Thu 2. and 3. time slot[09:20 am – 12:40 pm]
Fri 2. and 3. time slot[09:20 am – 12:40 pm]

There will be no fixed assignment of the lectures and exercises to time slots. The schedule for the lectures and tutorials will be announced every week.

The course consists of a (4/2/0) lecture with exercises for the theoretical foundations (October – December) and an introduction to model checkers with practical exercises (0/2/0) (January).


For the course, basic knowledge on algorithms, complexity theory, automata theory and logic is presumed.


Bachelor Informatik

Master Informatik

  • INF-BAS6: Basismodul Theoretische Informatik
  • INF-VERT6: Vertiefungsmodul Theoretische Informatik

Diplom Informatik

  • INF-BAS6: Basismodul Theoretische Informatik
  • INF-VERT6: Vertiefungsmodul Theoretische Informatik

Master Computational Logic

  • MCL-TCSL: Theoretical Computer Science and Logic

Master Computational Modeling and Simulation


The course follows the book “Principles of Model Checking” (C. Baier, J.P. Katoen, Principles of Model Checking, MIT Press) closely. This book is available at the SLUB (Lehrbuchsammlung).

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