Magnetism I (Basic introduction to magnetic materials)

Titelbild des Kurses
TU Chemnitz | semesterübergreifend Magnetism I (Basic introduction to magnetic materials)

Content of the Magnetism I module (Basic introduction to magnetic materials):

The focus of this elective module is the magnetism of (ferro) magnetic materials, its origin and the phenomena resulting from it. The lectures will cover the following topics:

• introduction to and history of magnetic materials

• electro-magnetism with a focus on magneto-statics and magnetic materials

• quantum mechanical foundations of magnetic materials

• from magnetic moments in atoms and ions to the magnetism in solid state physics

• spontaneous magnetization of magnetic materials (ferromagnetism)

• mico-magnetic energies of ferromagnetic materials: demagnetization, exchange and anisotropy

• magnetic field reversal and domain formation

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