Export Control in Science and Academia | Module 1-3

TU Dresden | semesterübergreifend Export Control in Science and Academia | Module 1-3

This course explains export controls in a scientific context. Modules include definitions, an introduction to the structure of export controls, practical examples, and sanctions for misconduct.


Introduction by the Chief Export Control Officer (CECO)


Dear colleagues,

TUD Dresden University of Technology is expanding its export control training program for all employees and guests with three E-Learning modules. These modules, designed to raise awareness of the legal provisions and create a broad knowledge base, will equip you with valuable insights and ensure compliance with export control regulations in relation to your work at our university.

I now invite you to take advantage of the courses IHK Export Academy offers. OPAL E-Learning allows you to access the modules flexibly, at your own pace, and complete them as your schedule allows. At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate that will give you privileged access to further in-depth courses and training at the TUD. 

The training courses offered by the IHK Export Academy will initially be available in this form until around the end of 2024. In the first half of 2025, the modules will be revised and adapted specifically to the needs of the TUD, based on your feedback. We, therefore, ask for your understanding and assure you that the learning environment will soon be embedded in the TUD's familiar corporate design.

Your feedback is crucial to us. Please feel free to share any questions or suggestions about the learning environment or content. You can reach out to the Export Control Officer, Ms. Sigrid Flade, at exportkontrolle@tu-dresden.de. We value your input, which will help us enhance your learning experience. 


Sincerely Yours

Jan Gerken

Chief Export Control Officer (CECO)
TUD Dresden University of Technology

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