243032 713/713A/714 Mobile Localization and Navigation (WS2024/25)
TU Chemnitz | Wintersemester 2024 / 2025
243032 713/713A/714 Mobile Localization and Navigation (WS2024/25)
- Historical Development
- Localization Systems
- Mobile Radar
- Radar Principle, Radar Equation
- Resolution Principles
- Parameter Estimation Methods, Stochastic Models
- Navigation Systems, Introduction to the Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Propagation Effects and Estimation Accuracy
- Ranging Methods Based on Wireless Network Technologies
- Localization in Mobile/Radio Networks
- Indoor Localization
- Outlook on Future Systems
- Techniques for Navigation and Route Planning
Learning Objectives: Students will understand the architecture and functionality of modern mobile localization and navigation methods. They will be able to determine the accuracy and errors in positioning as well as implement navigation and route calculations.
The Module is complete for this Semester, the exams have taken place on the 13.02.
I will remove all subscribers by March 1st, please do download any materials you wish to keep before that date.
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