TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2025 / 2026 Magnetism 1

The main idea of these lectures is to give you a basic insight into the topic of magnetism. Magnetism is important for our fundamental understanding of nature and has outstanding technological applications in our daily lives. In this course, we will highlight fundamental issues of magnetism by giving the theoretical background. Following this, we will discuss how different experimental techniques are being used to probe the magnetic properties in general with a short introduction of current fundamental research on magnetism.

Credits: 3 SWS
Time/place Thursday, 09.20-10.50 (2. Doppelstunde)/ Recknagelbau REC/D16
Tutorial time/place:
      MO(6) gW. REC/C118
Monday (only every even week), 16.40-18.20 (6. Doppelstunde) / REC/C118
Hörerkreis: Vertiefung Bachelor (PV) und Master (alle)
Vertiefungsgebiet: Festkörper- und Materialphysik (Elektronische Eigenschaften von Festkörpern) (Vorlesung im Wahlpflichtvertiefungsgebiet)
Pre-knowledge: Basics of solid state physics
Registration in person in the first lecture.


Dear students, the first lecture will take place on 17.10.2024, where we will discuss further details. Best regards, Rajib Sarkar and Elena Gati

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