Theory of energy transfer and optical response in quantum assemblies WS 24/25

TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2024 / 2025 Theory of energy transfer and optical response in quantum assemblies, WS 24/25

Quantum aggregates are assemblies of monomers (molecules, atoms, quantum dots...), where the monomers largely keep their individuality. However, interactions between the monomers can lead to collective phenomena, like superradiance or efficient excitation transfer.


The course gives an introduction into the theoretical modeling of these complex systems. The following topics will be covered:

  • Review of relevant QM (density matrices, perturbation theory, numerical methods..)
  • Absorption, linear spectroscopy
  • Basics of atoms and molecules (Born-Oppenheimer, Franck-Condon factors...)
  • Static disorder (Anderson localization)
  • Dynamic disorder
  • Open quantum systems (rate equations, Redfield, quantum state diffusion) )
  • Multidimensional (non-linear) spectroscopy


Quantum aggregates are assemblies of monomers (molecules, atoms, quantum dots...), where the monomers largely keep their individuality. However, interactions between the monomers can lead to collective phenomena, like superradiance or efficient excitation transfer.

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