Cost-Benefit Analysis in Transport

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2024 Cost-Benefit Analysis in Transport
Subject and scope of the course

This course gives an overview of the theoretical background and the practical implications of economic cost-benefit analysis in the transport sector. At the end of the course, you will be able to perform comprehensive CBA for a wide range of transport policies and transport investments.
Part A:  Overview and Basics
01 Lecture: Introduction – The need for CBA
02 Lecture: Basic Steps of CBA
Part B: Valuing Benefits and Costs
03 Lecture: Microeconomic Foundations: Demand/WTP/CS
04 Lecture: Microeconomic Foundations: Supply/MC/PS
05 Lecture: Valuing Benefits in Primary Markets
06 Lecture: Valuing Benefits in Secondary Markets
07 Lecture: Valuing Social (Investment) Opportunity Costs
Part C: In-Depth Analysis and Decision Making
08 Lecture: The Marginal Cost of Public Funds
09 Lecture: Shadow Prices/Costs (e.g. Value of Travel Time, Social Cost of CO2, Value of Statistical Life)
10 Lecture: Discounting Future Benefits and Costs
11 Lecture: Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
Major Transport Policy, Specialization 1/2
The course consists of a 2 SWS lecture and a 2 SWS tutorial.
Please find further information in your study guidelines and on our web page.
Lecture: Tuesday 9:20, room FAL 001 (start on-site: 16.04.24)

Tutorials: Monday 11:10, room POT 51 (on-site)

EXAM: 06. August 2024 - HSZ 304 Z - changed to 8:30 a.m. (duration 2 hours)

Grading of free tasks in exercise and lecture are already published in the folder "Exam information". 

Please register and then click on the “News” tab to find the latest information on the course.

Number of module: VW-TEc-MA-SPE 21

Name of module: Cost-Benefit Analysis in Transport

Lecturer: Dr. habil. Stefan Tscharaktschiew

Qualification aim:

The students are able to present the economic theory of the welfare-based assessment of transport projects, including the multitude of cost and benefit components, and to comprehend these on the basis of practical examples. This enables students to systematically and theoretically analyze socio-politically relevant issues beyond the field of transport, thus strengthening their ability to make decisions and act responsibly for society as a whole.


The content of the module is an in-depth presentation of the possibilities of measuring and evaluating costs and benefits as well as the associated problems and difficulties. Furthermore, the module deals with the question of how measurement and evaluation of costs and benefits change when central framework conditions in the transport sector change. Current research results in transport economics are part of the module as well as basic approaches to the formalization of analyses.

Teaching and learning methods: 2 SWS lecture, 2 SWS practical session, and independent study.

Requirements for participation: The competencies to be acquired in the Methods in Transport Policy module are required. 


The module is a compulsory elective module of the specialization Transport Policy of the module group Specializations in the Master's program Transportation Economics, of which two out of five have to be chosen. It provides the prerequisite for the module Research Task in Transport Policy. Furthermore, the module is a compulsory elective module in the area of Transportation Economics of the module group Supplements in the master's program Transportation Economics, of which modules amounting to 30 credit points must be chosen. The module cannot be taken if it has already been chosen in the module group Specializations.

Requirements for the award of credits: The credit points are awarded when the module examination is passed. The module examination is a written examination of 120 minutes duration. 

Credit points and grades: 5 credit points can be acquired through this module. The module grade corresponds to the grade of the examination performance. 

Frequency of module: The module is offered each academic year in the summer semester.

Workload: The total workload is 150 hours.

Duration of the module: The module lasts one semester.


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