Gender Studies and Literature II (Summer Term 2021)
This lecture does not only discuss the interrelation between literature and ‘Geschlechterforschung’, but it also aims at familiarising students with up-to-date research in the field of Gender Studies, such as Deconstructive Feminism, Masculinity Studies and Intersex and Transgender Studies. We will take into account cutting-edge sociological, medical, psychoanalytical, deconstructive/performative and other approaches and ask how gender identity is best understood when old binaries and patriarchal structures are being questioned and revealed to be cultural constructs. For those who have not worked in the field of Gender Studies before, there will be a short introduction to basics as well as a short diachronic survey of how the academic field of Gender Studies as well as gender relations have developed. Towards the end of the seminar we will apply our knowledge to Jackie Kay’s ground-breaking novel Trumpet (1998).
Please note that students are not required to have any prior knowledge in the field of Gender Studies.
An extensive bibliography will be provided via OPAL.