Design Patterns for VCL arrangements by the Chair of Business Informatics, especially Information Management at the TU Dresden.

Learning aims of a VCL project

Patterns >> Alignment and time cycle of the VCL >> Learning aims of a VCL project

Problem A VCL project can serve to support different learning aims. Different aims will require different VCL setting.
Framework VCL project as a part of a formal setting; the learning aims cannot be freely selected by the instructor but are (in part) given in advance

A learning aim defines the concrete increase in knowledge, abilities, ad skills that the participants should have gained as a result of participating in a course. A VCL project can be connected to content-driven learning aims as well as to “soft” learning aims. Content-driven aims are connected to a particular area or topic. A VCL project can for example serve to deepen the understanding of the area of E-Commerce. “Soft” learning aims are not connected to a particular topic, but can be seen as beneficial to all learning areas. These can be for example the ability to work in a group or present results. Learning aims have to be considered in advance as they will influence the entire planning phase of the VCL project. They should be discussed explicitly, especially if partners from different institutions participate.


Setting the Task
Aims of the case study
Selection of cooperation partners

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