Design Patterns for VCL arrangements by the Chair of Business Informatics, especially Information Management at the TU Dresden.

Setting the Task

Patterns >> Case Study >> Setting the Task

Problem Within the VCL project the students will receive a case study or a certain issue, which has to be accomplished. In particular at the beginning of the VCL project, expectations and requirements are often unclear to participants.
Framework Solution of the case study; time frame of the project: approximately 3-4 weeks; learning objective focuses on improvement of expertise; assignment of roles

In order to ensure an effective progress on the task, it is important to provide participants a specific task including the required results before the start.

Therefore the task should be divided into an individual and a team task covering the following aspects:


Objective Case Study
Range of Requirements for Processing
Topic of Case Study
Creating a Background Story
Documentation of Results
Presentation of Results
Range of Documents / Learning Material
Self-Assessment of the Team

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