Summer School Computer- and Geoscience in Archaeology
Summer School Computer- and Geoscience in Archaeology
This year the HTW Dresden (university of applied sciences) and its partners - the National University of Mongolia, the German Archaeological Institute and the Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at the University of Kiel - offer a virtual summer school "Computer- and Geoscience in Archaeology". The event will take place from August 31st until September 11th.
The summer school aims to further interdisciplinary dialogue between archaeology and computer- and geosciences. Students of these disciplines are invited to paricipate. Participants will receive basic training to understand the tasks and challenges of archaeology and cultural heritage and to gather first experiences with different applications of computer- and geosciences in the field of archaeology.
The summer school will be divided in two tracks:
- Track one will provide basic introductions into digital methods for students of archaeology.
- Track two will offer basics of archaeology to students of computer science, who want to apply their skills in the field of archaeological projects
In Track 1, the summer school adresses advanced students of archaeology, who are willing to explore digital methods and solutions for their works and thesises. The schedule of the summer school comprises introductions into:
- computer science and data management in archaeology
- programming for data processing
- relational and spatial databases and SQL
In Track 2, undergraduate and graduate students from computer science and other engineering sciences will recieve basic training in the methods of archaeology, encompassing
- archaeology at work - insights into archaeological practice
- history, fields and topics of archaeolgy
- theoretical discussions and methods in archaeology
Both Groups will also have common sessions about topics encompassing both fields:
- Research Data Management
- Geoinformationsystems
- Remote sensing
- 3D reconstruction
- Dieser Inhalt ist freigegeben von 18.12.2020 09:00 Uhr bis 20.12.2020 23:59 Uhr.