Ausgewählte Kapitel der Kombinatorischen Optimierung / Combinatorial Optimization (B97)
TU Chemnitz | Sommersemester 2020
Ausgewählte Kapitel der Kombinatorischen Optimierung / Combinatorial Optimization (B97)
Starts April 9, 11:30, by telephone- or video-conference; details will be sent to registered participants by email.
Content: For several basic combinatorial optimization problems (e.g. network flow, Gomory-Hu-Trees, Matching, submodular functions) central results and somewhat more challenging algorithms will be introduced and explained.
Organization: Lecture notes will be retrievable in advance. Please study those in advance. Important aspects and questions will be discussed online during the time scheduled for the respective lecture (Thu 11:30). Participants will be notified about the nature of the online meetings in time. Likely, we will all learn over time how to do this best!
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