Besonderes Völkerrecht (englischsprachig)

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2024 Besonderes Völkerrecht (englischsprachig)

Dozentin: Dr. Romy Klimke

Donnerstags (5. DS) 14:50-16:20 Uhr in GER/37/H

Völkerrecht II (Specialised Fields of Public International Law):

“This course builds on the lecture on General Public International Law (Völkerrecht I) and covers a variety of specialized fields of public international law. In particular, it provides students with an understanding of the core specialized areas, namely diplomatic and consular relations, the law of the sea, peacekeeping, international criminal law, and international environmental law. In addition, we will discuss further special subject areas of increasing importance, such as space law, climate change law, international law in cyberspace and global health law.”

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