Introduction to Soft Matter Physics
Introduction to Soft Matter Physics
Principles of phase transitions: Thermodynamic and statistical concepts, Landau-theory, Mean-field theory
Liquid crystals: Order parameter and mesophases, Models for the isotropic/nematic transition, Elastic properties, External fields
Polymers: Chain models, Self-similarity and scaling, Mean-field concepts,Specific polymer systems, Dynamics, Charged systems
Selected problems of biological physics
Enrollment by OPAL or by sending an email to:
Monday: at 16:40 (6.DS) HSZ E01
Friday: at 13:00 (4.DS) REC C118/U
In case of online-lecture:
Meeting ID: 571 556 1445
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Principles of phase transitions: Thermodynamic and statistical concepts, Landau-theory, Mean-field theory
Liquid crystals: Order parameter and mesophases, Models for the isotropic/nematic transition, Elastic properties, External fields
Polymers: Chain models, Self-similarity and scaling, Mean-field concepts,Specific polymer systems, Dynamics, Charged systems
Selected problems of biological physics