TUBAFdigital - Stochastic Methods for Materials Science
TU Bergakademie Freiberg | semesterübergreifend
TUBAFdigital - Stochastic Methods for Materials Science (winter term 2024/25)
Basic information:
- Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn Sprungk
- Tutor: M. Sc. Hanyue Gu
- Intended audience: 3. CMS, 1. MAMA, 9. VT
- Schedule
Lecture: Mondays, 16:15 - 17:45, room MIB-1113
Exercise: Thursdays (odd weeks), 11:30 - 13:00, room MIB-1113
Information for SUUUpoRT students:
This course is part of the SUUUpoRT and TUBAFdigital program. In case SUUUpoRT students want to attend the lectures online, we provide a hybrid mode for the lectures. Please inform the lecturer if hybrid mode is required. Also there is the possibility to obtain a certificate of participation given the succesful completion of certain quizes. Please enroll in the corresponding learning group "SUUUpoRT-Students"!
Final exam:
The exam consists of two equally weighted parts:
- The 30-minutes oral exam serves to check whether the students know important notions and methods and can explain the reasoning behind.
- The programming project serves to check whether the students can apply these methods to data.
The objective of this course is to convey an understanding of the role of stochastic modelling and stochastic algorithms for materials science. The range of topics includes
- basics in probability theory (random variables, distributions, characteristics, limit theorems)
- basics in statistics (graphics, estimation and confidence, hypothesis testing)
- regression analysis (linear models, least squares, statistics, nonlinear regression),
- stochastic models for random materials (Poisson process, Boolean model, random packings, random mosaics)
- stochatic simulation (Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm)
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