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Seminar Management Science

TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2024 / 2025 Seminar Management Science

Seminar Management Science

Module: MA-WW-BWL-1018 / D-WW-WIWI-1018

Lecturer: Tristan Becker


Course Description: 

In this course, students deal with current research questions in Management Science. Students work on a selected topic in small groups or individually, depending on the number of participants. They gather data, implement mathematical models or solution algorithms, and present their results as part of their seminar paper and presentation. Students gather skills in the areas of mathematical modeling, data processing, as well as exact and heuristic solution algorithms. They independently work with quantitative methods on a scientific level and gain an overview of the current research literature.

The course enables students to apply/implement exact and heuristic algorithms for important optimization problems in the area of Management Science and also provides an overview of real-world problems. Students will implement selected mathematical models or solution algorithms using Python 3 and Gurobi.


Topics include:


- Machine Learning for Optimal Strategy in Single-Die Bluff: Implementing Counterfactual Regret Minimization

- Predictive Analytics for Wine Futures

- Optimizing Ambulance Location-Allocation

- Optimal Roadtrips – Solving the Orienteering Problem to Generate Travel Itineraries

- Integrated Optimization of Staffing Levels, Shifts, and Shift Schedules at Cinema Snack Bars

The complete set of topics will be presented at the kick-off date.


Course registration: 

You can register until October 17th, 2024, 11:10 am. The number of participants is limited to 15. Late registrations will be accepted at the beginning of the Kick-Off meeting if the participant limit has not been reached.

We aim to distribute topics according to student preferences.



We recommend having visited an elementary course in Operations Research.


Credit Points: 5 (60% term paper, 40% final presentation)

Course Language: English



- Kick-off: Thursday, October 17th, 2024 from 11:10 am - 12:40 pm, in room SCH A105/P. Topic and group assignments will be announced after the kick-off meeting.

- Feedback presentation: November 14th, 2024 from 10 am – 1 pm, in room SCH A105/P.

- Final presentation: December 12th, 2024 from 11:10 am – 12:40 pm, in room SCH A105/P.

- Deadline for submitting term papers (15 - 20 pages, group work): December 19th, 2024.


On these dates, attendance is mandatory. Additionally, students schedule individual consultation meetings with the lecturer. We will provide additional organizational information during the kick-off date.

Please check regularly for announcements in the learning room.

Literature will be provided for each topic individually.

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