An Assortment of Assays – Using Response-ware for Continuous Assessment in an Undergraduate Language Acquisition Course

Student response-ware is used as a means of conducting continuous assessment throughout a semester-long undergraduate course on Second Language Acquisition. Turning Technology clickers are used for in-class assessments at the end of each of five teaching units. The data gathered inform all stakeholders of learning analytics pertaining to retention, engagement and motivation. The predictive power of these exercises allows for intervention measures to be taken in a timely manner.



hochschulinterne Förderung

Lessons Learned

Was lief gut im Projektverlauf?

The project participants indicated that they enjoyed undertaking in-class, end-of-unit assessments using clickers. There was increased engagement and motivation. The information gathered was anonymous, but it allowed all present to see how they were faring compared to the rest of the class. The teacher was able to spot areas where the students' subject knowledge was wanting, and it was then possible to modify instruction accordingly.

Welche Herausforderungen ergaben sich bei der Projektdurchführung?

The only difficulty was having to collect the hardware from a different campus. I do not have my own set of clickers and borrowed them from a different faculty.

Traten unerwartete Schwierigkeiten auf? Wenn ja, welche?

No. The system is very easy to use.

Was würden Sie aus Ihren Erfahrungen heraus für ähnlich angelegte Projekte empfehlen?

Others can achieve a similar effect using free ware; however, a professional system does not rely on Internet access or on the participants having smart phones. Furthermore, there are more possibilities to gather meaningful information and to cross-reference it using a professional audience response system. i find it a worthwhile investment.


I have been incorporating student response-ware in my instruction for several years now. It consistently increases student engagement in the course and allows me to identify areas that the students are strong or weak in, and I can then prepare revision material accordingly. Because it has proved so successful, I will continue to use this to enhance teaching and learning in my undergraduate courses.

Weitere Informationen

Projektzeitraum: 01.04.2017 bis 30.09.2019


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Prue Goredema

Technische Universität Chemnitz

0371 531-36152